It Just Doesn't Matter

So I've been quietly observing the whole emerging Constitutional Crisis as both a political history junkie and a citizen. I have several observations to share:
A Party Blinded by Reason
The DNC is just as profoundly blind to POLITICAL reality as the Toddler in Chief is to REALITY-reality.
The Democrats are demonstrating that they are clueless to what populism really means. The Democrats are wasting a lot of time and energy trying to change the hearts of and minds of Trump supporters, to undermine the faithful's unswerving devotion to their populist chamption.
The DNC (in partcular) haven't gotten that reason is simply not going to prevail.
It is just NOT going to happen.
And that the more they attack the populist Messiah, the more he can play to the martyred-victim-under-seige-by-liberal-booksmart-urban-educated-unwhite-idiots mindset of his supporters.
Stemming the Tide of History - A Hero in the Negative
The Democrats are just providing the concrete and the bricks that reinforce the average Trump supporter's inherent bunker mentality; and solidifying his base support. If Mueller HAD found that Trump was a paid Putin puppet - his supporters would not have cared. if Mueller had come right out and stated that Trump has obstructed justice and interfered with the due process of the law - his supporters would not have cared.
Trump is loved for what he ISN'T, not what he IS.
He ISN'T a Kenyan muslim masquerading as an American.
He ISN'T a shrewish woman overstepping her god-given subservience.
He ISN'T a muslim hugger.
He ISN'T a Mexcan apologist.
He ISN'T a smooth talkin' user of confusing big-words.
He ISN'T making uneducated white people feel bad about themselves.
He ISN'T using the Constitution as an excuse to let brown men marry our daughters.
He ISN'T droning on and on about human rights, blah, blah, blah.
He ISN'T telling us our cities are going to be underwater in twenty years.
He ISN'T telling us we need to take care of the environment or face imminent doom.
He ISN'T telling us we need to all pay up to make sure other people's brown kids don't die for lack of healthcare.
He ISN'T telling us we have responsibilities and obligations to the rest of humanity and to the future of life of Earth.
He ISN'T telling us that all men, women and people in between are created equal and deserve equality under the law.
He ISN'T telling us we need to let women pee in men's bathrooms and vice versa.
Etc. Etc. Etc.
Trump's power lies entirely in the negative. Whatever he IS simply doesn't matter at all, as long as he ISN'T the things his supporters hate and fear. He is a Hero - completely for what he is not; completely in the negative. As long as he avoids trying to be or do anything in the positive, he will remain the Hero. He was elected to stem the tide of history, not to lead the country or the world into the uncertain and potentially unpleasant future his supporters fear above all other things. Populism is about resisting unpleasant realities - not about mastering an uncertain future.
We the People Who Voted For Me
Trump wastes no time - zero, none, nada, never has, never will - on anyone who isn't going to vote for him. He feeds his voters everything they want to hear - which is mainly that he's a victim of Constitutional republican humanism just like them. More and more, he is their hero - and they don't (and never will) give a damn about any of his moral, mental, psychological, ethical, fiscal, economic, criminal or personal incompetencies. He has never had any pretensions towards being the President of the United States - he has always been the President of the Minority Who Voted for Him.
The Inevitable Result of Populism Embodied
Trump instinctively gets and has mastered the populist political climate, and is entirely in his comfort zone. He gets what's going on. This is where his sociopathic narcissism is an incredible political asset. A US President - provided he maintains any semblance of Party and public support - without a moral or ethical compass is essentially untouchable and unaccountable to anyone on the planet, and Trump knows it. He's lived his life in the belief that he is an elevated being accountable to no god and to no man - and he's now actually in that position.
Might makes right, and the ends justify the means.
All in all, more convinced than ever that I nailed it a couple years ago in the related piece, "Every Hero Needs a Villain".