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The Real Cancel Culture

Here is the real "cancel culture".

When the reactionary right ascended to power preaching that "government is the problem" they began the process of canceling the most essential element of our entire society: a government Of the People, By the People and For the People. When you say that the entire concept of government - in a democracy - is the problem, you rip out the heart of every principle upon which this country was founded... What you are saying is: the People are not fit to rule themselves. So who - if not The People through their elected representatives - is to rule? Hmmm. The answer is obvious and the results entirely predictable.

We have regressed 600 years to late feudalism.

Since 1980 we have been conditioned that the value of human life is measured in economic output and that the benchmarks of national success are the stock market indices. Princes of industry have replaced heraldic princes, but the effect is identical. If we are measuring human value in terms of the economic value of labor - and we assign rights, liberties and enfranchisement on a sliding scale of that value - we have abandoned 600 years of progress towards universal enfranchisement and liberty.

Here is what has really been canceled:

  • The Renaissance never happened.

  • The Enlightenment never happened.

  • Republican Humanism never happened.

  • The Rights of Man never happened.

  • The Labor movement never happened.

  • Equal Opportunity never happened.

  • Equality before the Law never happened.

  • The Constitution never happened.

  • The Rule of Law never happened.

  • Emancipation never happened.

  • Civil Rights never happened.

  • Of the People, By the People, For The People never happened.

Talk about cancel culture!

But by all means, worry about 80 year old cartoons being shelved, 70 year old books no longer being sold and statues of traitors from 160 years ago being taken down. These things will keep you distracted.

Great Republicans like Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Margaret Chase Smith and Dwight D. Eisenhower are rolling over in their graves.



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